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One (1) Select Celebrity Team (includes four golfers and four golfer guests) o Hotel for two (2) nights for four (4) players
• Six (6) VIP Passes for backstage at the St. Jude
• 30 tickets to the St. Jude Jam
• 5 limited edition posters signed by Jam Artists
• Brief welcome remarks by Company Executive at St. Jude Jam
• Highlighted as St. Jude Jam Sponsored by [company name]
• Logo or name-in-text included on all digital and printed collateral
• One (1) signed guitar by all performers of the St. Jude
• 4 tickets to Go Gold on the Green tickets and attendance at the Purple Eagle Ceremony
• VIP St. Jude Hospital Tour
• 8 Tickets to Thursday night St. Jude Partee Celebration and interactive golfing experience before hitting the links for FESJC
• 12 passes per day to the Hospitality Suite at the FedEx St. Jude Championship (4-Friday, 4-Saturday, 4-Sunday) air-conditioned hospitality suite passes
20 concert passes• 4 VIP Passes for backstage at the St. Jude• 4 limited-edition concert posters signed by artists• Opportunity to supply favors to guests• St. Jude JAM Sponsor GiftMARKETING & BRANDING BENEFITS:• Logo/company name featured in various event materials• Recognition on event website & regional Facebook page “thank you” post• Featured story about the concert in an ALSAC/St. Jude news publication• Digital asset/web banner to display on partner website• Company can issue press releases (requires ALSAC review & approval)ADDITIONAL BENEFITS:• 2 Tickets to Go Gold on the Green including attendance at the Purple Eagle Ceremony• 2-night hotel stay at The Peabody Hotel• 2 tickets to St. Jude Partee Celebration• 4 passes to St. Jude Hospitality Suite
• 10 concert passes• 2 backstage passes• 3 limited-edition concert posters signed by artists• Opportunity to supply favors to guests• St. Jude JAM Sponsor GiftMARKETING & BRANDING BENEFITS:• Logo/company name featured in various event materials• Recognition on event website & regional Facebook page “thank you” post• Featured story about the concert in an ALSAC/St. Jude news publication• Digital asset/web banner to display on partner website ADDITIONAL BENEFITS:• 2 passes to St. Jude Hospitality Suite
• 8 concert passes• 2 backstage passes• 2 limited-edition concert posters signed by artists• St. Jude JAM Sponsor GiftMARKETING & BRANDING BENEFITS:• Logo/company name featured in various event materials• Recognition on event website & regional Facebook page “thank you” post• Digital asset/web banner to display on partner website
• 4 concert passes• 1 limited-edition concert poster signed by artists• St. Jude JAM Sponsor GiftMARKETING & BRANDING BENEFITS:• Logo/company name featured in various event materials• Recognition on event website & regional Facebook page “thank you” post• Digital asset/web banner to display on partner website
• 2 concert passes• St. Jude JAM Sponsor GiftMARKETING & BRANDING BENEFITS:• Logo/company name featured in various event materials• Recognition on event website & regional Facebook page “thank you” post• Digital asset/web banner to display on partner website