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EVENT DAY BENEFITS• One table for 16 guests at the event• Naming rights of designated area of event• On stage recognition• Logo displayed on all event signage• Verbal recognition during program• Placement of company branded item in swag bag
PRE/POST-EVENT RECOGNITION• Opportunity for company representative to serve on the event’s Leadership Committee• Opportunity to attend virtual hospital tour of St. Jude• Company logo featured on all print and digital materials• Company logo featured on event website• Dedicated social media post to 10,000+ followers• Logo mention in Thank You E-blast
EVENT DAY BENEFITS• One table for 12 guests at the event• On stage recognition• Logo displayed on all event signage• Verbal recognition during program• Placement of company branded item in swag bag
EVENT DAY BENEFITS• One table for 10 guests at the event• Logo displayed on all event signage• Verbal recognition during program• Placement of company branded item in swag bag
PRE/POST-EVENT RECOGNITION• Opportunity to attend virtual hospital tour of St. Jude• Company logo featured on all print and digital materials• Company logo featured on event website• Logo mention in Thank You E-blast
EVENT DAY BENEFITS• One table for 8 guests at the event• Name displayed on all event signage• Verbal recognition during program
PRE/POST-EVENT RECOGNITION• Name featured on all print and digital materials• Name featured on event website• Name mention in Thank You E-blast
EVENT DAY BENEFITS• One table for 6 guests at the event
PRE/POST-EVENT RECOGNITION• Name featured on event website• Name mention in Thank You E-blast